Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I've got that Joy Joy Joy Joy...

Lent 2012  A Clean Heart, Create in Me   C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, March 21   SPRING!!           Isaiah 49:13

Wouldn’t that scripture make a great (or horrible) wake-up call?  We have allowed our busyness to make our mornings a weightlifting exercise.  Just lifting our eyelids and acknowledging to the world that we are indeed awake brings in a flood of to-dos.  But suppose instead the morning was met with TAH-DAHS!  Imagine singing to clear the croakiness of our throats.  Imagine dancing to stretch and strengthen those achy muscles.  Imagine having God as our loving scheduler.  Imagine throwing our concerns and suffering upon the One who can always do something positive with it.  O Glorious Day! 

     Listen to Casting Crowns:

     Or perhaps Chris Tomlin:

Because sadness that does not bring reconciliation, repentance or restitution is selfishness.  I am not suggesting that we never allow ourselves to experience sadness and express it, however to choose the outfit of sadness and have it color our day to day environment is choosing to be less.  Those that can rejoice in the midst of the storm are truly and eternally saved.  Think about it: rejoice or re-joys. It is living those joy-filled promises again.  Knowing that our loss, disappointment, pain and oppression are fleeting is not denying their existence but looking at them with eternal loving eyes.  So I say again, REJOICE!  The Lord is with you.  You can always sing a duet and have a dance partner because the Lord will comfort his people.

1 comment:

WoodlyZacek said...

It's interesting to note that in Genesis the days begin in the evening. "... There was evening and morning the third day." The phrase "let me sleep on it," comes from the pilgrims belief that God would confirm His will in their sleep. I find that when I set my affections on Jesus at night I wake up more aware of his presence..... I'm going to steal that line about selfishness.